An Overall Market Research in East China
Release Date:2017-12-24

From Sep. 11 to 21, 2017, to continue to expand the breadth and depth of sugar business in home field, three of our staffs of business department made a market research in east China for two weeks.

During those few days, we visited above 30 wholesale markets which covered the range over Shanghai, Hangzhou, Kunshan, Changshu, Taicang, Zhangjiagang, Nanjing and Suzhou; also, we gained information and deeply got to know about general demand of each local wholesale market. 



Through this overall market research, we get the latest figures, deeply get to know about the way in which those wholesale markets usually work and general demand of each local wholesale market. In addition, customer relationships in east China have begun to take shape initially. Generally speaking, we learn more and get so much from this research which is to pave the way for our further business in east China.







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